The Freedom Programme
The Freedom Programme is open to any woman who wishes to know more about domestic abuse. It is a 12 week rolling programme, you don’t need to book. Each group has a facilitator who is fully trained and has a deep understanding of the issues surrounding domestic abuse, it’s free and confidential.
The programme aims to help women to understand the beliefs held by abusive men and the effects upon children, whilst helping them to gain the confidence to improve the quality of their lives and identify the local resources that can help. It is not about telling women what to do but empowering them to make their own choices. Those who have experienced abuse have little or no understanding of what has happened to them and it simply feels like a painful and confusing mess for which they are largely to blame; the Freedom Programme aims to start turning this around at the women’s own pace. The philosophy of the programme is based on research and outlines the role played in such offending by the pursuit of power and control.
The programme runs Tuesdays 10am-11:30am The Blue Door, Laneham Street, Scunthorpe. For further information and to book free crèche places please call 0800 197 4787.